Action Icons

I've finally updated the new icons on the HUD. It took a month to set this up due to loads of tech debt, but it was worth it.

  • Bow = Long range attack
  • Heart = Healing ability
  • Sword = Melee attack

The icons are highlighted when you hover over them (you can see Sir Camil's longsword icon is highlighted.)

If the action deals damage, has range, or an action point cost you can see it before you select it.

The feedback I received from Boston Indies Demo Night was extremely valuable. I knew I had to do a lot of cleanup on the UI and the feedback made it very clear. I can't focus on more advanced topics until I get there first.

I also fixed up a bug where you could select Petra but couldn't use her since she wasn't deployed. She's deep undercover right now and can't respond to your commands.

Files Play in browser
Feb 23, 2024

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