Version 0.0.025: Name change, preview action points

Torrin's name is Nahla now

Say hello to Nahla, formerly known as Torrin. Her stats are the same, but her name is more appropriate. It has roots to Arabic and African languages referring to the first drink of water or water found in the desert.

Turns out Torrin is a name for Irish men, usually referring to chief or leader. So Sir Camil's given name is now Torrin, as he's from a Western kingdom beyond the desert's borders.

I'll need to think up a new title for this game, but that will need a lot of brainstorming.

Action buttons are above the HUD

Feedback from Boston Indies Demo Night told me all I needed to know: the buttons are getting in the way. So I put them on the bottom, right above the HUD. I also added the end turn button.

Action Point Meter is in the HUD

Action Points appear in the HUD now. When you hover over an action, the meter will pulse, indicating how much you'll spend. This should help answer "wait, how much does it cost?"

Assuming this works out well, I'll add hit point meters in the future.

What's Next?

  • Brainstorming this week on the new title, and commissioning a new logo. The title screen needs a lot of work in general.
  • The Action Point meter should pulse when you hover over a location to move. This is another step towards free range movement.
  • Add the Next Squaddie button so you can quickly rotate through squaddies.

Files 4.4 MB
26 days ago

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