Version 0.0.025: New Game Title, Movement Action Point preview

The Battle for Fell Desert

Lady of Arid Tranquility

That's the new title and subtitle. We'll keep it simple, have a marketable name that won't cause collisions, and it's mysterious enough to be memorable. I'll need a new logo, but that won't come soon.

Highlight Action Point meter when moving

When you select a squaddie and highlight where you want to move, the Action Point Meter will pulse to indicate how many action points you have remaining. This should help players understand where their action points are going before they spend them.

Next Squaddie has a set order

When you press the Control button, the game will rotate between playable squaddies. The order was somewhat random before, but now it's based on deployment order: Nahla, then Sir Camil.

What's next?

I want to add a navigation object to select the squaddie without clicking them on the map. This will supplement the Next Squaddie system. I also want to automatically select a squaddie when you start the turn - one less click to deal with.

I want to disable actions as you preview your movement. This should avoid the situation where you don't have enough action points to heal because you moved too far.

If I have time I want a visual update to buttons so they look less like rectangles, there's a bit of look and feel missing from them.

Files Play in browser
16 days ago

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