Action Buttons are closer. Look at that tech debt!

New button placement

The action buttons have been moved from the bottom of the screen to nearby your mouse when you click. Now you don't have to travel as far to attack or end your turn.

The move button pulls double duty to hide the interface so you can click on the map. It also maintains consistency for those who like to choose the "move" action before moving. I saw players getting confused about the inconsistency during demo night.

The HUD is also cleaned up to show a picture of the squaddie. Eventually I will add an Info window to show more abilities and statistics. This will also prevent players from trying to command the enemy units (I saw this during testing as well.)

So much tech debt

This took a long time to publish because there is too much coupling between objects. If they don't work together in perfect harmony then a flag is wrong and creates unexpected behavior. I had to pull this back from launch at least twice to fix bugs I only caught during final smoke testing.

I'll be using more event driven architecture to separate responsibilities soon. But I wanted to get this out before US Independence Day. Alright, back to the refactor factory for me!

Files Play in browser
Jul 02, 2024

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